Ice Cube Reveals Jay Z’s Biggest Secrets and How He’s Linked to Diddy (Video).V

I’m talking about the club of Gatekeepers- that we all got to deal with everybody.

So Ice Cube is dishing out the industry’s Dirk, claiming that Jay-Z is supposedly throwing Diddy under the bus.

But there’s an unexpected twist.

He’s saying Jay-Z did the same thing to Ar Kelly back in the day when those serious allegations surfaced.

Remember when Jay-Z distanced himself from R Kelly.

Well, according to Iceq, Jay-Z is doing a similar thing to Diddy now, who’s caught up in some accusations from multiple women, including one who says she was in high school at the time.

The Ice Cube ain’t holding back, hinting that Jay-Z might have a questionable history with not so legal relationships too.

Get my message out to the people: be able to let people hear from me.

You know ice cubes hinting that Jay-Z might be distancing himself from Diddy because of all the heat Diddy’s facing, apparently.

But he doesn’t want to meet the same fate because the speculations about Jay-Z’s crazy acts have also been circling in Tinsel Town.

Being in the industry for decades, Cub is suggesting that Jay-Z might be even worse than Diddy, accusing him of questionable activities with young girls.

It’s a lot to process, but with these longstanding rumors floating around the sick narrative in hip-hop, it’s not entirely new or shocking birds of a feather, they say, and it looks like ice Hughes dropping Bombshells that might just shake this whole world of hip-hop to its core.

People may get pissed off, cuz I’m going to talk to everybody, not play.

Hushed Whispers and gossip about Jay-Z’s less than spotless image has circulated in the shadows for years.

Completely unrelated to the infamous Becky with the good hair Saga.

Shocking allegations suggest his involvement in corrupting high schoolers and assisting others in the industry to do so.

One unsettling story that has lingered involves allegations that Jay-Z zated a relationship with Foxy Brown when she was 14 years old.

To make matters even more alarming, Whispers hint that their involvement began when she was just 15 and he was a 24-year-old.

It’s undeniably alarming, but unfortunately, as Ice Cube says, unsettling Tales are not uncommon in the tangled web of Hollywood, where disturbing things sometimes unfold behind closed doors.

You know I’m not doing this for me.

I’m doing this for adding a Twist to this Tangled tale.

Jayz eventually addressed these rumors in his song Picasso Baby, where he V stated I never stuck my Southeast in the fox’s box, but damned if I open Pandora’s Box.

They tried to slander your man on Cnn and fox in this lyrical defense, he acknowledged the attempts to tarnish his reputation in the mainstream media.

Interestingly, Foxy Brown herself wasn’t pleased about Jay-Z bringing up this sensitive topic.

In an interview, she revealed that she had advised Jay to let the rumors slide, expressing her shock when he dropped that particular line in the song.

Now, with everything swirling about Jay-Z, it was probably the the best moved to distance himself from him and, knowing what kind of people the music producers Associated, she basically saved her life by denying everything.

He’s treated me like a daughter.

Da, I’m, I’m his daughter, I’m his artist, I’m his everything.

However, she felt compelled to discuss that embarrassing line from her teenage years, suggesting that the heat she felt from people discussing her age might have been why Jay decided to address it in his song.

Foxy remark was: I was shocked when Jay said the lion and Picasso Baby.

Yes, because we’ve talked about that.

We have a history that supersedes the music.

We know how this business Works.

Jay-Z’s connections to questionable things over the years don’t end there.

One glaring an example is his past association with R Kelly.

As you might recall, R Kelly was involved in an inappropriate relationship with singer Leah when she was just 15 years old.

He allegedly used his influence in the industry to obtain false paperwork stating she was 18, allowing them to get married.

Eventually, the truth about her age came out and the marriage was old.

However, it didn’t stop Jay-Z from chasing after the girl, after his sick friend.

So you and Jay was both getting out of Leah- obvious everybody.

According to Iceq, these stories are not highlighted enough as they should be and, as niss believes, there’s a lot of proof that can land Jay-Z right next to his friend R Kelly.

It was a shock to everyone that Jay-Z didn’t distance himself from even after the scandal with Aia erupted.

Instead, they collaborated on an album and even went on tour together.

I wasn’t, I was not not concerned for my career, like as far as an artist I know, like I mean I was.

There are those accusations floating around about Jay-Z having some sort of relationship ship with Foxy Brown, who was the same age as Ala, which puts him in a questionable position to claim any High Ground.

Rumors also swirled that Jay-Z was eyeing Aaliyah for himself, even though she was illegally married to his friend Alia.

This extraordinary woman had multiple famous suitors or Vine for her, a affections causing dramatic tensions and strained relationships.

Jay-Z and his friend Dan Dash were apparently both after her romantically creating this intense rivalry between the two Pals as they competed for her attention.

So that was like the big deal.

Like who could get with aiyah?

You know what I’m saying we all.

But like, was he bitter?

Olia was playing the field, going on dates with both Jay and Dame, but she seemed to develop stronger feelings for Dame, which didn’t sit well with Jay-Z. as Dame himself said during one interview, she wasn’t serious about out Jay-Z. it was just a situation where Elia was the type of girl that would give you a shot.

She didn’t care what people thought or whatever.

So she’ll date you and be your friend.

When Alyah and Danne got serious, Jay-Z reportedly didn’t handle it gracefully.

It was the time when he shifted his romantic Focus to beyon en Visions G’s ultimate power couple.

But for that to happen, he needed beyon is to be the leading lady in the industry now.

Beyon was destined for greatness, no matter what, but when they first crossed paths she had just left, Destiny’s Child was still carving her path.

The group is breaking up.

It’s ended, it’s run.

Is that right?

Oh so, now we’re older

And we each have our own individual dreams.

Meanwhile, Aaliyah was already establishing herself as a force to be reckoned with.

However, Aaliyah’s tragic passing left a void at the top, which many believe beyon stepped into.

Some have even questioned whether Alia’s demise in a plane crash was truly accidental, especially since she was in route to a music video shoot in the Bahamas when the director of Ly changed the location from Florida.

There there have been reports suggesting that Aliyah initially refused to board but was given sleeping pills, rendering her unconscious and allowing her to be carried onto the aircraft.

Additionally, suspicions continued to circulate within entertainment circles about potential deeper motives behind the crash.

Mary Jel expressed her belief that ‘s passing was more than just an accident and she openly called out Jay-Z for that.

Deep but a lot of people I would have to really bring you know.

Adding to the controversy, ice Q has made claims about Jay-Z’s involvement in various unsettling situations with young women.

One such instance involves singer Tiara Marie.

During her time at to jam, who Jay allegedly dated, she told one of her interview that at the age of 17 I had a boyfriend and he was just poisoning this guy.

He did me dirty, he was emotionally bad and controlling.

Jay-Z initially showed a strong interest in her career, even dubbing her the princess of the label.

However, on the night of prom, he abruptly dropped her from the label, citing her underperformance debit album as the reason for her rare exposing interview.

She said if he could have made me successful, he would have.

Of course he wants to win everything he touches.

I realized that it just wasn’t my time.

I needed what happened to grow up, so I’m happy for it.

Ice cube alleges that Jay-Z’s decision to cut ties with tyara stems from alleged more than artistic collaboration between Jay-Z and Tyro.

When she was still in high school, reports even hint that Jay-Z is Blacklist.

Now Ice Cube expresses hopes that Jay-Z will go down in the same pathetic way as his industry friends like R Kelly and Diddy.

Well, it’s the season of exposure at Tinsel twin and all the mighty figures are trembling from Fear trying to cover their crazy crimes.

But, folks, what do you think about all this?

Is Jay-Z truly hiding something sinister, and will he be the next to go down after Diddy drops your thoughts in the comments below?

And don’t forget to check out my other videos.