Hey Robot with Whoopi Goldberg | The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon-xay@h

“Hey Robot” is an episode of “The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon” where guests participate in games with artificial intelligence called “Robot”. In this part, Jimmy Fallon and the guests will ask artificial intelligence questions and try to guess whether it can answer correctly and humorously. In this episode, famous actress Whoopi Goldberg participates, bringing fun moments and humor to the audience.

During this time, Jimmy and Whoopi will pose difficult or strange questions to the artificial intelligence, but its response cannot be predicted. This creates unexpected and humorous situations, when artificial intelligence can give unexpected or sometimes completely absurd answers. This is a unique and exciting piece of entertainment that attracts the audience’s attention with the participation of famous guests and artificial intelligence.

In the “Hey Robot” part of “The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon”, there is not only the participation of guests and artificial intelligence, but also lively interaction between Jimmy and the guests. They often create humorous and creative situations, bringing laughter to audiences around the world.

While Jimmy and his guests try to ask the AI unpredictable questions, they also regularly take time to evaluate and comment on the answers the AI comes up with. . Sometimes, these answers can be both funny and surprising, creating uniquely entertaining moments that audiences love.

With the participation of famous guests like Whoopi Goldberg, the “Hey Robot” part becomes especially attractive and more interesting than ever. The natural humor and unique personalities of the guests often create unforgettable moments of entertainment, making each episode a fun and exciting experience.