“Already!?” Kim Kardashian Reacts To Kanye’s New Girlfriend (IG LIVE)

This is like serious.

A source has told Ok magazine that Kanye West has already started dating after separating from Kim Kardashian.

Don’t scare me, please, what’s going on.

The woman filling up Kim K’s shoes is arena shake, who is a russian supermodel.

Arena is 35 years old and has had a relationship with Bradley Cooper in the past, but right now it is arena shake and Kanye that may be dating each other in secret.

It has been quite a while now since Kanye and Kim were officially separated, and while they’re still working on the divorce, it seems that Kanye is already sniffing around other women.

Kim Kardashian is dealing with the whole divorce thing very differently.

She has publicly commented that she is not ready to date anyone right now and that she’d like to focus on her career in the near future and look after the kids.

Kanye and Kim have four kids together, and it is said that they were one of the biggest reasons the couple tried to make things work between themselves.

Kim says that she is still ready to support Kanye West.

However, he needs, and according to Hollywood life, Kim is actually quite content with how things are and there doesn’t seem to be any hostility or bad blood here.

Kanye, however, seems to want to get together with another woman quite fast.

It also happens to be that arena shake was previously in a relationship with Bradley Cooper, and the two even have a child together.

They never got around to marrying each other, and it was brought up that arena wanted a little too much out of that relationship.

Right after the separation, Kanye moved to his 14 million dollar ranch in Miami, while Kim shifted to California to live with her four kids.

It seems that Kanye has also filed for custody of the kids, so we can only see what happens next.

And, as we all know, this is not Kim Kardashian’s first divorce.

She’s already gone through two divorces and if we compare them, the divorce with Kanye actually seems to be going pretty smooth.

Whenever asked about her marriage with Kanye in public, Kim always hesitates to give detailed answers, saying that she would like to keep her love life as private as possible after getting your sex tape leaked to the entire world.

Trying to keep things low-key makes a lot of sense.

She says she has had her issues with Kanye, but the public platform is not the place to discuss it.

Irina Shaikh, on the other hand, seems to be enjoying an interesting relationship with Kanye West.

Their love life may only have started recently, but Irina and Kanye have known each other for more than a decade now.

Kanye even name-dropped her back in 2010 on his album Christian Dior- denim flow.

Of course, he had married Kim after that, so that relationship couldn’t really go anywhere.

Now that the two are getting divorced, though, who knows arena and Kanye may become a permanent thing.

It is also said that arena is a huge fan of Kanye’s work and still listens to his music every day.

She called him not only a great artist, but also a great person as well.

These comments are only making these rumors stronger, and many people seem to be sure that Kanye and arena have something cooking up between themselves.

As for arena, her utmost priority seems to currently be her daughter.

She even recently commented on the whole thing, saying that being a single mom is hard and that she has never had a male figure in her life that would care for her.

Could Kanye West become that caring male figure in arena’s life?

Only time will tell, but by all metrics and scales, it seems that the relationship has already kick-started and the two are basically feeling things out right now.

According to the magazine the Sun, Kim is not too bothered with these relationship rumors that are circulating on social media right now.

A source told the sun that Kim does not believe the rumors are true and that it’s only some attention seeker who is out looking for clout.

The source went on to say that even if the rumors do end up being true, there is a good chance Kim will not care much.

It’s not like there was any life left between Kanye and Kim’s relationship, and although they are still technically married to each other, both of them have publicly revealed that they’re separated.

This has also resurfaced some comments about how Kanye West chooses his partners.

All these commenters were silent earlier because Kanye was just another married man who seemed to be faithful in that relationship, but the last time arena and Kanye were seen together it was 2012, and one could definitely spot some spark between the two at that time.

It is being said that Kanye has no issues dating girls that perform in his music videos, be it a dancer, a model or any other role.

Similar stuff went down in 2008, when Kanye released a song called flashing lights and cecily Lopez was cast in the video.

Soon after that music video, Kanye and cecily Lopez were spotted dating each other.

The same is said for Selena Banks, who appeared in a short runaway film back in 2010..

Kanye and Selena shared some nights together after that.

As well as for Kanye’s thoughts on the whole thing, he actually mentioned a number of girls whom he said he’d like to get to know better and, for all, we know, that was a euphemism for hooking up with them.

After Kanye and Kim separated, he mentioned that he’d like to date someone creative and someone who is an artistic person.

Back when he made these comments, people considered it to be an attack against Kim Kardashian, but it would be a little too wild to assume that the two would pass off such statements against each other, considering that they still share four kids together and there seems to be little hostility despite the upcoming divorce.

So as far as arena shake is concerned, she definitely seems to check all the right boxes.

As far as Kanye west goes, Irina is no musician, but her work in the fashion industry is pretty impressive.

Add to that the decade long history between the two stars, and we may just have a nice blend between the two, meaning that the relationship has a decent chance of going all the way.

The latest episode of the kardashian show was posted as late as the 27th of May 2021, when Kim Kardashian celebrated her 40th birthday with family and friends on a private island.

Kanye also seems to share a healthy relationship with her right now, as he gifted her a hologram of her father, Robert Kardashian.

Kim seemed overjoyed at that and called that gift quite realistic, emotional and lifelike.

As far as arena’s ex-partner is concerned, Bradley Cooper is not the biggest extrovert, and he likes to keep his private life well concealed, so it’s not like we will have any statements from him regarding the mother of his daughter dating the rapper Kanye West.

Considering the fairly decent relationship between Kanye and Kim as well, there is little chance that any major drama will come out of this.

Kim and Kanye did seem to have a big fight in December of 2020..

I’d call them mature enough, though, as they didn’t share too many details on tv, leaving the fans to only speculate.

It is said that the two made considerable efforts to keep their marriage alive, and both of them had their kids in mind.

Right now, their daughter, north, is 7 years old, their son Saint is 5 and their daughter, Chicago, is 3.. their youngest child is their son song, who is just 2 years old.

It is said that one of the fights the couple had was regarding Kim Kardashian putting makeup on their five-year-old daughter, which Kanye west severely disliked.

Anyway, that is all from this video.

Thank you for watching and do let me know your thoughts on this whole issue by commenting down below.

I hope to see you again soon with a new video.

Until then, take care and stay safe.

I get a call from one of Kanye’s friends and my heart drops.

But what is he like?

This is like serious.

They’re not telling me anything and i am so scared and i don’t know what to do.

Okay, Okay, but he’s like crying on the phone to me and he, just like, wouldn’t say what’s wrong, and i’m like tell me what’s wrong.